Thursday, January 27, 2011

Don't mind if I don't...

Here's the thing,
According to "Science" humans are here for one reason, and one reason only. Bang and multiply. Humans are part of the animal kingdom, and looking at everything from a wider angle, we are all just another species roaming this earth. Now when you look at certain mammals, for example lions, males and females have completely separate roles. Duh...

That is just how science works I guess. So if we are part of this animal kingdom, yeah, what is wrong with the belief that men and women should have roles? OHHHHH THIS NIGGA THINKS MEN ARE MORE SUPERIOR THEN WOMEN!?

Great that you think so, but why you automatically assumed that I was trying to say men are better, I have no idea. I just said what's so crazy to believe that men and women should have their own roles. You yourself assumed that when a person starts talking about gender roles, the man is automatically put on top. In my opinion, that makes you more sexist than me.

Women and men are equal, sure I'll buy it, but in terms of physical ability, I have no idea why anyone can argue men and women are equal. Yes, there are plenty of women that can outrun me, plenty of women that are in better shape then me, in no way am I disagreeing with that point. But check this out, you pick a physical event and pick the best male and female on the planet and have them challenge each other, 11 out of 10 times, the male is going to win. That's over a 100% chance of winning. Imagine that!

I know, I know,
What's this all about, why am I being such a dick..
Im not though. I don't want a woman to live in the kitchen and sew something up in the living room. That is where people get confused.
"Well if you don't want them to stay in the house and cook, then what are you complaining about?"
Glad you asked.

Here is my problem,
a man HAS to, and I mean HAS to pay the bill at dinner if it is a date. No questions asked. Guess who is going to hold the door open when you enter and leave? Exactly, the man is. But we don't mind. I am not going to sit here and complain about it. I know someone has to pay the bill, and since a man, the protective, egocentric, macho man wants to get it in, or simply show that he is able to handle a situation for two when it comes to money. Come on, just admit that a woman loves a man that can offer a sense of security. Compare us to our fellow lions, momma takes care of  the dinner at home, while daddy smacks any cat that means harm to the family. He provides the ultimate security.

Now if someone comes up to me and says, "You have to pay the bill for the lady!" I will say I know, and I accept this responsibly. But when you tell the woman to stay home and take care of the kids, you are the biggest sexist to walk the planet.  Someone has to take care of the kids, just the same way someone HAS to pay for the bill. I mean, I get upset too when I'm on my way to sit down and someone says "SIT DOWN". It gets under my skin. So then Im like "Screw you I am just going to stand." But come on women, this isn't a matter of sitting down on a chair, its about staying at home, raising kids, and cooking for daddy.

Men are like Mufasa, we provide security by working and bringing money in and protecting the familia if any hyaena  steps out of line. Women are like Sarabi, stay at home and let the man treat you like a queen.

So ladies, if you don't want us to expect these natural female roles from you, do not let us pay the bill. Us paying the bill without any sort of complication signifies an agreement that the woman needs to do what a woman does.

I am not speaking from an ignorant middle eastern point of view. I'm speaking from a strictly scientific point of view. Male and female roles were not created by ignorant old cultures and societies, they were found since the beginning of time. The proof of that is, every mammal species have male and female gender roles, excuse me for expecting the same thing from you woman.

So ladies, if you want to defy science.....
then don't mind if I don't pay the bill.