Saturday, December 5, 2020

My Soft Tissue

Hello World,

I am trying to understand how this self-criticism won't run me into the ground.

Tick Tick

the sound of a drumroll
in slow motion can seem different

An affect that is presumed, or assumed,               
I've never really known the difference between the two.

Argue over who anyway,

I'll choose the truth over you any day.

Only to benefit,
is that what this is all about?

Of course not,
this world is the other side of the rabbit hole,
trust me, it's all here.

Dancing to their music has always been so difficult for me.

Arrogance and pride.

I want to dance to my own rhythm.
I love that which I admire.

A unionship that I saw in my dreams.

To manifest ones destiny.
One for all and all for who?

Pain helps me feel a part of this world.
So I dive in again and again.

I always come up with a smile, 
Or I try as much as possible.

This is my vanity, I know.

I know I know I know...

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