Sunday, May 4, 2014

Share With Me Your Life

It's always tough to start
regardless of what it is

why does it feel so difficult
to act,
without constantly trying to explore your own subconscious mind,
in regards to figuring out
why it is we do the things we do.

I mean sure,
we want to question everything,
ask why.

Even to the extent of asking why we ask why....

But man, I'll tell you

At some point you have to wonder

or at least weigh out the benefits of asking questions that ultimately make you walk in circles.

Thought is great,
yet everything is healthy given its balance

I guess I should be satisfied with what I know I am capable of,

What else do I need to know?

When it's crunch time
I know I can carry my weight,

I also knew to keep my blade sharp.

Some sharper than others.

But that is mainly said

due to my inactivity

in the area of athletics.

I promise I will work out tomorrow.

Right when I get back from My,
hopefully last interview.

Time in and time out,

I always end up listening,
not that I need someone to listen to me.

Who am I kidding,
everyone wants someone to listen to them,

yet so many settle for someone's silent presence opposed to
an ear that is connected to a conscious mind.

I swear it's hard for my mind not to drift,

Paying full attention is so needy.

Makes me feel as if walls are closing in.

Speak blunt why don't you?

How can you care so little of what people think
yet your whole complex is how it all weighs you down
but this only contradicts everything
That we build our foundation with?



There will be the day,

Speak of it so surely.

Cockiness really is an act

which is always bought by the ones who believe it the most

Such a softy

I enjoy feeling like a loose cannon.

Especially when it seems at times that I am the only one who sees it that way

makes me feel like I have a strange sense of child-like privacy

The world in our head is the voice that we answered to

I guess some still do?

Is it called weakness?

I forget,

Ahhh so carried away,

Sometimes I get when I see glimpses of myself buying into the reality that I am setting for myself.

Such a struggle to plea out for help
only when left alone

and we stray off just far enough

Where only you know
that if you beg and scream for help

with the most of your ability

No one can hear you

It's not complaining that you're alone

It's knowing that you are as far away as you want to be

I have lost meaning of what it feels like to have a home

wouldn't be the worlds first collision of innocence and the realities of existence

I wear my life experiences with pride
Because fuck the person that makes me feel the need to hide

But yet its the thoughts in my head that make me such way.
What does the other have to do with what gets constructed by my imagination?

Blame goes so many ways,
endless if you let it

It will never run away on its own,
You have to hand in hand walk your excuses around
to wherever they need you to take them

or you can own up,
and stop leaning

we all lean on each other in our own ways,

If the world is
where we do exist
than by all means

don't mind me trying to get super comfy

Reach far back into my roots
Trying to seek for that comfort of knowing
eternal was real

Yet time ticks louder

seconds run faster

Moments become as real as the most vivid dreams
Knowing the two apart
but wondering what the difference
really is?

IF this is not all but what we want it to be?

Our dreams are as real as we let our actions make them.

If I always knew what would  happen tomorrow,
then I would lose all sense of motivation.

Keep me surprised,

Share with me your life.

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