Thursday, April 17, 2014


Lacking of certain things

seems ridiculous,
you would think

but its never

what you may Have

at one point

Blindly and Hopefully Believed

There is nothing wrong with being hopeful I suppose
Yet one might think not to indulge in blindly believing

Always know the odds,

as if you shouldn't
without the fact.

Factoring risk into decisions

As if its the right thing to do,

The older you get.

Shouldn't call it fear.

Just maturing and calculating the risk.


Yet the awareness lacks,

even on my behalf.

I bite my tongue

No nuts I guess

In some parts

Yet this was just the transitional phase needed to pave the road
I suppose

not really
I'm barely
thinking of the future
Only thinking of my desires
and what is expected of me

Me and only me

All to myself

The song we have been singing for so long,

became played out eventually to my own likings?

Question every letter at moments

To feel it all release at a particular time,
The answers are already written,

Why is he speaking
and why should I listen?

Slipping through quicksand slowly
just to  fall into a pot of gold

waiting on the other side.

I guess that would be my heaven

What do you want from me?

Answer me,
with the body Language that for some reason I get confused by?

Wish I knew myself WHy,

So I'd rather think when I'm bored and live with my sword?

That is a Game of Thrones influence.

What an evening,

of fill in my own blank.

Isn't that me by myself
 just doing anything?

The difference is nothing really?

why choose the heavier of the two?

in that case

choose you.

makes me cringe,
coming off all Above,
the other
keeping him and his friend
So we can develop issues that
"You just can't Understand"

Complicated it seems


indulge in the pleasure,
of giving pleasure.

Really you must agree

There Is Nothing Better

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