Friday, February 28, 2014

March first

easy does it

What a direction

I find myself just wondering,

where did I end up?

I draw a blank
isn't that impossible?

Just figure out how to word it
perhaps that might help.

feel better

Yet my feelings grow thin,
how is it that certain sounds

Just do not have their same effect anymore?
Has the hour grown cold already?

WHere is my new feel?

I feel like I'm slipping and I cannot seem to catch myself
Yet I have the slightest control

in regards to the interactions
I have
with the people
I accidentally

sometimes I wish I could for an eternity,
then wake up continue.

Life is so serious.
to the idiots it seems,

Yet I feel like the real idiot at times,
but I do enjoy laughing at all this

that I write,
with intent for you to carry a trait
that you found in me
with you

An advantage,
allowing for things to happen,

not resisting
yet absorbing

fusing powers,
listening to detail

taking pride over every second

Heavy head
or just attached to my magnetic bed?

I need to rest
But I try to impress

The empty audience

I want my Grand Act

I want my spectacle

I find myself thinking out loud
never really.

I search for my inner voice,
it seems i can only hear it
when I talk to it.


I do not enjoy so much of a lot of the things that are going on right now.

I wish I could explain why,

but it's just that I do not really want to think about it.
I know what it is,

I could guess,
but I do not.

I guess the guilt weighs heavy

How is it that I can just
knowing that I cause pain
to those
that I
consider close
for choosing my way

Goodness, time moves yet the pace frightens when we choose to keep the pace with reality.

It requires something from us everyday.

Days pass forward
with the feel of a drunken glow
that mushes it all together.

Yet it's not consumption that has made itself my crutch,
I immediately argue with myself as I say this.

I need to detox,

Chaos controls destiny

so really,
do you have what it takes to take charge over yourself?

big words are never heard.

meaningless becomes that which is repetitive,
only with desperate attempts.

Strive for perfection,
only to realize flaws.

Perfection is reality

either that
or inexistent

Yet we find our own personal perfect.

We have the power to visualize our dreams.

We live our dreams by simply doing what it takes.

yet cliche sayings
quotes amongst quotes

No one understands.

So universal,
yet so individual.

I can't understand so much.

So let it be,

and learn to be.

Do not hold on to anything

spread the hand and feel the wind in between the fingers

Listen to wonderful thoughts

run for happiness
away from misery
hoping to find the answer
only to find another piece to the puzzle
that you ran away from,

What to do now......

Lord help me find the answer,


deeeeeeep breath man.

I'm going to bed.

I love my niggas

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