Saturday, October 18, 2014

Compliments To The Chef

What I'm willing
but it's killing me
to do
is to make a commitment
With the intent
for it
to stay true

Push out the weak thought
that just circles into chaos
Find your inner grip
Hold on to it
careful how tight
watch your own hard sweat
be the reason
you let it slip

so probable
Spend time to unwind
all the twisted and tangled spines

Yet the remote in my hand
is controlled
by who I suppose
is the Crook or culprit
Let's see how far they can go!

Travel with me,
it's not often my hands are free
It just seems it right now
My heels went over my head
And Now I'm shocked
that I fell to the ground

I'm always walking with doubt
I've never felt clear in my cloud
Who's hearing this now?
Me screaming so loud?

But silence is met
Caused by realities scent
fuckin loosing my mind
I tell myself
it's all in your head!

I'm just one of you
you're all screaming for attention
yet you deny that to be what you really intended

I believe what I see
I've lost so much faith
The most beautiful song
The presence of her grace

Looney filled thoughts
blocked off by primitive barks
I'm pounding my chest
to prove I hold no fear in the dark

Yet my actions speak louder than my words

for certain
i admit
that I wish
for that to be true

Confused when I speak
left stranded too quick
on purposed to make you feel stupid I think

Confused by the ring
Or just the sound that it makes
Who woke up my demon
just to prove that it's fake

There is no such thing as demons
You're not special at all
Just shut your fucking mouth
she said
and catch me IF I fall

I talk of the past
because I yearn for it

Pillow hair
to hungover

In the mirror feel shame
or just unsettling thoughts
In such a strange place
I've happened to come

No idea about anyone
Constantly counting
My behavior is changing
ever so crowded

My head is big
because it's running out of room
If I get another compliment
it might just go boom

Never know how to end it
because I accept
that I will be taken by death

So come find me
but i hope it takes you a while
And I want you to tell your friends
That I put up a hell of a fight

My foolish confidence
leads me to places
that i never could name

To know how to stand
in a room
with such an unfamiliar face

Play with the danger
that's flooding your head
There is no time left later
because later you're dead

Will you dig your own grave
so no one has to dig it for you?
Such a nice person
thinking ahead
is that an action inspired by compassion

That person sure doesn't lack empathy
you moron

What's the matter
you lost your footing?

trust me you're not the first
just stand up

Or you can just wait
for people
who you think are going to come
stop their lives
come sit
and cry with you

People left crying at the bottom roll around till they find each other
Now You have a friend you can cry too!

The best part is
neither of you is listening
just saying your own words
for theirs never to be heard

Me me me
sure, thing sweetie
My girlfriend is hassling me
She thinks that I'm like fucking someone else
so she's starting to act crazy

Are you though?
But no she's thinking I'm cheating for different reasons
she has no clue about that though

I really don't get it
why you mad bro?

I don't miss my past
i want to do that later
But it can have such a strong pull
As if you're never in control
You're only conscious to witness the actions

And be held accountable
with the highest of standards

I cannot predict the future
I'm just really good at stating my opinion

I'm losing focus
I'm feeling so down

There's no one to help me
So I guess I'll use myself
to get off the ground

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