Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whatever, You know what the problem is.

When the pain becomes numb, I guess thats when you'll miss the pain.
Yet I still don't understand, why go through all that, just to give yourself an excuse to hop out and not go through with it.

I'm not there yet either, but I'm aware which direction we are walking towards. And the thing is, we are walking that direction together, our destinations are the same.

Does that mean you don't want me to mention it, just when we get there, we get there?

Retarded, all of it, Trying to figure out if its worth it. I wonder if it is. I need to be more productive.

Lets see how Long I can cut out smoking weed.

I want to feel high again,
I miss the feeling of being goofy and silly, seems like I just get too wrapped up in my own thought.

I think of reasons why people choose to do evil acts, and I can't come across any reasons other than the fact that they have lost hope in humanity.

Lost hope,

I guess that's not true,
I'm realizing now while I am writing.

There is a concept that people who have a wider sense of vocabulary are generally smarter than people who don't.

I guess that's true, however slang should not be looked at as uneducated.

saying that completely overlooks all the intelligent aspects of slang.

It's a sophisticated way of speaking, where combined words have an alternate meaning, its coding it.

People can never understand slang who think too literal.

To me its a good measurement of someone's common sense.

But shit, I'm running out of God Damn patience,

I'll wait forever, it's okay I dont Give a shit.

But If I fall on my face one more time.

I don't think I can take it.


Please don't let that day come.

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