Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What breaks him?

Was it loss?
Who did he lose?
was it a best friend? Was it a lover? A parent?
Did it happen when he was young? And why is it that it made him do the things he did?

Why could he not deal with it? What makes his situation worse than the others?

What makes you believe in a slight way that his actions are justified by  his past opposed to saying he is hiding behind his past using it as an excuse.

What makes you believe in him?

Could a bad heart Break make a man lose his faith in everything?
What is his motive for such acts which make sense in a rational sense, but morally it is completely wrong.

What makes a human commit acts where even the loved ones can't look into the eyes of their lovers.

Perhaps its that right there.

The act of protecting to such an aggressive extent where the one protected cannot even recognize the person, and only sees a monster that was created by the environment.

Is that a good enough reason?

Well what is it?
What situation can be constructed where if you do not protect you lose what you cherish and love the most,
but if you do protect, what you love and cherish the most abandons you, because of what you had to do just to protect what you love.

That sounds like something I can work with.

But what is the act.

It has to be something that is not personal.

Well not JUST personal. something that has a meaning that many can relate and many would do the same.

Murder? Perhaps? Where one believes murder is the only way, to protect, but the other just doesn't accept murder to be something that is a viable option.

At what point do you fight for survival?
At the cost of a clear conscious?
Or would you give that up, and become numb at night when you sleep?

What line do you draw for yourself, and what line do you draw for the person that you love the most.

You would go further into darkness to save the one you love, than you would for yourself?

What breaks him?

I need to knooooow!

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