Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We Are Alive

everyday,  everyday,

they say, they say.

Slow down, you do not want to miss a moment, I promise.

We're so gifted, YOU are so gifted.
Anything, is ours, no need to make it, No need to take it. It already Is.

Take a step, a small step, yet the most important one.

to leave it all behind, just to see what the other side holds.
Damn, curiosity can be a thing of beauty all on its own.

Let nothing, hold you back.
It will only hold you back, if you, only you,
Let it.

The only realistic obstacle, is myself?

Yet, I let,
All the outside pressures, Influence my thought.

Why do I let it?
Do I really have such low control of my own well being?

Well that can change very easily.
It will change, with the start of fresh ink and a new page.

Hope, hope, Hope.

Dream, accomplish, work, admire, and be humble.

But my thoughts are so loud,
It's hard to be humble.

To be young and full of potential,
Is a gift that we all have,

Except for those who were not granted such attributes.

Awareness is a gift,

A gift that only you can give yourself.
and you can never return it,
You can never forget it.

It stays with you, now take it and run.

Stop staring at it, stop stalling,

Conquer the world!
Be determined, to help more than yourself!

They say, there is no such thing as a selfless act,
Carry out a selfless act, just to prove me wrong.

Matter fact, I will prove myself wrong.

Of course there is,
If one chooses, than impossible, is very within reach.

Feel the energy around you,
Absorb the freshness,
The night time, filled with so much darkness and beauty?

I mean have you seen the stars?

Have you looked up?

And were you then able to not look up again?
Realize we are nothing, just to justify we were meant for everything.

Humble, to be that.

So very difficult.
So if I become to loud, know that I am still humble.

I have just chosen an alternate definition.
I know the truth, there is no absolute.
There was never a forbidden fruit!
We can have them all!
As long as we are having them, not just I.

Aye captain, let this ship sail, and only the wind directing us to our destiny.

For we are young,
We cannot be old.

We do not have it all figured out,
There is much left for our minds to see,

Reach, way past your limits.
Way further than you were supposed to.

Way higher than they told you.

And smile,
You have such a beautiful smile.

You will never find love,
If you are not willing to be loved.

Take the risk of a potential heartbreak.
Its okay to feel dependent,
As long as someone says they'll catch you if you fall.

And if you trust them, and yet you still fall.
Feel the ground, the bottom, Your roots.

And get up, not just physically,
Get up seriously.

With electrifying energy,
With hunger,
With desire,
Because it's still there.
It will always be.
Do not suppress,
Do not regret.

Tell the future about how you were the wildest of them all!
Encourage thought,
Encourage Love,

We have much left to live,
Let no one tell you anything less,

Only listen if they offer you everything More.

I'm tired of waiting,
I'm tired of debating.

Today is the day.

Tonight is the Night.

For we all,

We Are Alive.

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