Monday, July 30, 2012

Four oh 1.

How would you feel if you were asked to complete a puzzle, a thousand piece puzzle. But you do not know if all the pieces are there. Would that change your mind in attempting to complete the puzzle? Everyone is partially motivated based on knowing that there is an end, that whatever it is that they are doing will have a completion ahead. A sense of closure, if you may think of it that way. The hope that one day it will all fall together, everything will finally be they way you imagined it would be. The grand Finale, the ending that has background music, emotions running high, heart to heart moments left and right, to be completely overwhelmed by that moment.

Sucks to realize the truth, That ending does not exist. and I do not mean this in the way that when an angry teenage girl gets  dumped by her boyfriend, she then writes on her status "ALL MEN ARE JERKS, there is no such thing as a good guy out there". Other than the fact that little girls like that are retarded, clearly that is not the point i am making here. when faced with a problem, challenge, or a situation where you do not know how to even approach it. everyone always has in mind that eventually this will be dealt with, and this will be over. No one ever stops and thinks, that some problems will never be solved, some stories will never have an ending, not that they last forever, the story is done, it just did not have an ending.

That is a big issue i am formulating with movies and tv shows. The whole thing is structured around beginning middle end. Whatever the conflict is, by the end of the movie or tv show, it is resolved. The viewer got what he wanted, now he is put at peace. or whatever the fuck. Unfortunately this modifies your brain to subconsciously expect things from people that they cannot offer. even if they can, that ultimatum that you present people with, doesn't have a ticking clock next to it like in the movies. Well you know this movie is going to be no longer than three hours long so before the clock runs out, you will have the answer.

Answers, so crazy how every answer fallen behind means someone out there is getting his time wasted. Why do we need answers to every fucking thing in our life? the more aware we become, the more we curse ourselves with reality, and who is to say my reality is closer to the actual original line than yours? It all comes down to checking your perception through other perspectives. Well I need to understand why people fear failure when fear itself is a form of failure and defeat. Why cannot I just live with my ambitions, do what i aspire the most, without me being tied down by an anchor which I myself tied to my own foot. Every way of failure is caused by the person themselves, that statement can be completely ridiculous due to how impulsive it actually is.

I believe there is no such thing as a selfish act, but sometimes I think I fool myself into believing that. Why is it I will respond like a slave who knows he upset his master, and when his master calls upon his slave, his slave will be on his best behavior, not knowing if he will be forgiven or punished. Or perhaps rewarded for his honesty and ability to admit his mistake, and seek mercy and hope that the master understands this weakness that lies within the slave. After all the Slave is what gives the power to the master, Without slaves the concept of master itself has no form of existence. I cannot help but ask, What came first? the Master or Slave?

I wonder how that went down? how did the first master manipulate the mind of an equal man into irrational servitude? How did he make him take a knee so that he lets him use his shoulders to elevate himself. Well if you admit yourself as a slave, I guess in that reality, in that specific world, there is such thing as a selfless act. A selfless act, to me always sounded so beautiful, there was this certain admiration behind hearing the concept of a selfless act. But to think the only mind able to carry out such action, requires you to accept your acts as non existing? That your actions are only a echo of the words whispered by the master? A selfless act is the act in which free will is surrendered?

Free will, there is another concept to talk about. Free will is only limited to what your master allows, sounds to me like a controlling husband or boyfriend. How do you know if someone is controlling? They make you feel like the most special person, until you disagree with them. And that is why they make you feel special. So when you disagree, and they are upset that you do not see it how they do, insult you, degrade you, then and only then do you question yourself. Not them, yourself. "But he was so sweet to me, He made me see so much that I would have never come across. The experiences, the tranquility, the calm."

Explain to me this, What is the difference between a master and slave relationship, and a controlling male or female with their partner.

The slave may do as the master wishes, but if the slave does what the master did not intent, there will be consequences.

If the girlfriend does as the Boyfriend wishes, the boyfriend will show compassion, love, gratitude, and whatever bullshit that will cloud the females mind (or other way around), but if the Girlfriend does what the boyfriend does not want to happen, you bet there will be consequences.

Some people automatically accept their roles as a subordinate. But I guess subordinate is different than a slave. Well, I hope so at least. If only i could understand my flaws. everyone believes and says everyone is not perfect, but i wonder if people could list their own flaws. not "Im overweight, I sometimes break promises, Im always late, blah blah blah" flaws. The flaws that you see people live with, their ultimate cancer, the flaw that will be the reason of their demise. I see it in people, I can tell what it is, that sick attribute they have, whether their flaw is that they cannot help but think they are better than other people. Whether their flaw is that they start to believe their own lies. The Flaw where you are always going to self destruct yourself. Everyone sees it in other people, some peoples flaws shine brightest under the light of the darkness. Some hide best under the shade of the sun. Can my Flaw be another?

Im in my head to much. The only problem is, that there is no exit sign for my train of thought to exit on. IT keeps running wild. One thing that is for damn sure, that Forever doesnt exist, everything does come to an end. So it would make sense for people to accept a master who promises them forever. ONe thing we all know, is that when things are good, no one ever wants it to finish. And if the master promises a good time that lasts forever, why wouldnt you want to do whatever he tells you too? this life is going to end, so you want to save all your energy for having fun after this is over.
After all you have to work hard if you want to play hard.

What a load of bullshit.

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