Wednesday, July 25, 2012


It's something, i tell ya.
this world, if one thing stands correct, it is how no one has it right. Whatever absolute conclusion you come up with, one day it can all go wrong. and when that day comes, when your absolute truth comes crashing down, how will you react? or how will your brain let you react? Most likely what we do best. hide in our comfort zone. Some (me) Could argue, what is the point of striving to understand what is correct? What difference does it make? Like if we find what the actual truth is, just to show the ones who do not know it, like if they see it, all the sudden they will leave their ways and accept this new 'Right' way as their new comfort zone. most of the time, when someone believes in something wrong for one too many days, its going to stay there. Good luck trying to remove that thought.

Its a sad world, with the most un emo esque way of saying it. We do find certain things to keep us distracted from reality. reality, such a difficult word to conceptualize. I can't go a minute of staring at a picture of a man kissing the corps of his dead 2 year old sons body, It's a terrible thing to see! All i see and feel is, ahh that shit sucks, i dont want to see that. Our brain, well mine at least, does everything it can, to look at that picture as if it is just a picture, that I happened to dislike because of how grotesque it is. Lets actually think for a second about this father who is holding his dead son, because of whatever the reason is, some tyrant dictator trying to hold on to power. The fact that this shit happens, and Has always happened and WILL (I repeat) Will always happen, is the saddest part. If an alien ship were to enter our orbit, and just chill and observe us for about 100 years, the only conclusion they will make is. "Wow they are all the same things, just fucking killing eachother"

In a very far fetched way I could possibly admit that I would understand how the aliens would find it comical to what we are doing to each other. Fuck, there are humans now who find pleasure in peoples pain and misery. We are such a smart and intelligent and yet such a fucking dumb species. We have nations that have weapons that can eliminate the whole fucking world, and the only country dumb enough to us it was... Oh wait.... Bottom line these nuclear weapons, whoever thought of it must have been the dumbest mother fucker... oh wait... ok here's my point, (I dont really have one other than the fact I enjoy ranting on this shit) whats the point of trying to win this arms race, where did this thought come from if you're walls are not high enough someone will climb over them and rape your kids. or if your guns are not strong enough, someone will come and kill you with bigger guns. Or if we dont invade them and keep them down, they will come here and invade us and keep us down.

Where did this all come from? Is that really how humans are? I can tell you I have never met a single person that is that cut throat. Sure i have met some dicks and pricks, and by the book type Eugene's before, but at that scale? Point me to that person, please because I cannot find him. So who is making these the decisions? Please dont say "the Government" because that just makes you sound like an idiot who just got done reading his first conspiracy article. How did it get to this? Are we all just bluffing hoping to not get called on it? ITs as if a full poker table bets on a flop where the flop consists of "ten jack and queen of hearts". Everyone is betting like they have the King and the Ace of hearts. Does someone have it? Or is everyone just hoping that their bluff will carry them through the finish line? But holy shit! Everyone is bluffing! Or would everyone if it came down to it, launch a nuclear missile? Come on!

anyway, what a retarded thought. Roles in gender are switching, and if men do not wake up, power will go to the women and if that does happen. Oh boy.


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