Sunday, October 28, 2012


Looking for that day,
everyone is always looking forward to that one specific day.
I look forward to that night,

I have no idea what that night holds in store for me, but what I have learned is that nights have mystery attached to its sound.

You can't see peoples true color during the day, everyone hides under the shade of the sunlight.

But at night, the moon does not have the strength to hide our weakness.

Everything is dark,

end everyone's true colors are exposed.

Dark light is emitted,

some carry brighter to help carry the weaker,

But some people have a certain color that is contagious.

It infects the strong, and kills the weak,

Even the strong carry on, but with the infection at its peak.

Moments become clear,

Eyes meet, no word spoken,

Just thoughts being exchanged, by the look on her face.

Feedback is not needed, I know what she's thinking.

I can hear it.

No need for a touch, she seems overwhelmed, right now might be too much.

Tonight, tonight, my life changed forever.

If I could only have forever right now.

Ask me tomorrow, I'll remember, I promise you.

Stay with me, don't lose me.

Fuck where did you go? Did I lose you?

Walking through a crowd with so many faces, yet they stay the same.

They know what you're looking for, its like their paving the way.

Let it seep in through the eyes, and let Jealousy, ruin the night.

get the fuck off her, who told you to say anything?

how bout I flip this table, kick your face in and rip your fucking jaw of your face?


You think you know crazy?

Ill Break the FUCKING ARM that Helps me

And hold on to the LEG keeping me down.

if it comes to it I say FUCK everybody, and fucking leave this town.


Keep fueling me, you might make me show you a trick.

Keep pushing me, this rage I LOVE FEELING THAT SHIT.

Ill tie you down on a sinking ship and for your last words,

I'll laugh at it.


hold me, not back but slowly.

Tell me its okay, not that its going to be.

Fuck what the future holds, its okay if you're holding me.

but its not going to be easy, i'll have to pay a price.

To lose my insanity, cut the skin with a sharpened knife,

Count to three look away quickly rip off a slice!

Even in a losing battle, I'll still put up a fight.

never take defeat, without taken a life down with you.

Selfish me, just doesn't want me to be with you.

It wants me all to itself.

That alter Ego.

You talking to that guy, All I think "what the fuck does he know"

I think I know it all, I always have.

I also know that no one knows anything, that they didn't have.

And that's all there is to know about everything, isn't it?

Heart on my sleeve, give me a an outlet and let me spill it.

Squeeze till the last element has left my existence.

1 wish to come true, is number 2 on my wish List.

whats number one?

I guess only they would know.

If they did, It would ruin the surprise,

Shit I think about, falling asleep in my eyes.

Lies Lies Lies, until the truth dies, and the lie prevails.

I guess once a lie is accepted it becomes the truth,

Why not? I mean where is your proof?

What are you going to do?

You going to show us all how different and amazing you should be?

I tell my self that Lie everyday, till the day comes along where I accept,

That I'm always going to be a 'Could be'

If I could make you better at the cost of my everything,

Know that it's Done.

Your Potential exceeds mine,

If you cannot trust in that, then trust me and let me believe that.

The only faith I have is shattered,

But there is a little piece, that I find peace in.

With your name written across,

If it slips it will pierce, and shatter once inside.

I'm asking for a lot,

But don't worry, I can only ask for as long as I'm alive.

We all want to be Beg, But I never will.

And if you ever see me beg, Just know its my Last Dying wish.

So don't be so selfish, its okay to give.

But Fuck that, I don't want your sympathy.

If there is nothing, why can't you stay away from me.

Hide from me,

But you know I'll tear down the the Sky's just to see you smile,

So out of context,

I wish I could be okay, with today.

Tomorrow always brings excitement,

It offers unknown.

The Past offers Lies.

Right now offers moments

You pick what you want the most.

I guess My fate is already hung up in her room,

Hanging from the ceiling,

waiting to be picked.

And dropped and Lost,

When I die,

Don't ask for what cause.

I wish I could respond while I'm dead,

And smile and go back.

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