Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I swear,
i am the weirdest mother fucker I know sometimes,

Why is it telling me that word is spelled wrong.

Fuck You,



It is sooo funny!

I am just so glad that I can actually type this well right now.

You have no idea that passive aggressive bull shit that i choose to deal with

But come on!

To what extent do we lie to ourselves that there is joy in the lie that we chose to believe!

At some point will we abandon the words that we have spoken,
as if they were words spoken as if an oath was taken.

as if as if as if as if

But not so quick!


Things are not turning the way they should have turned,

Perhaps where I imagined only?

Wake me up,
you're only doing the opposite,

I do not understand the details,

but when the bigger picture has been painted,
one cannot help

To look what it says,


I do not feel,

neither regret,

That is a cowards way out.

i would like to believe.

Curious to see how naive I might have been.

But yet I feel as if,

I have surrendered to the true will,

Can you grasp,

I doubt.

We wonder,
about each other,

to learn how
everyone thinks
of only themselves


Yes not always,

only me.

The same way I speak as if the world was the other half of my existence.

Making my existence equivalent to the creation of humanity.

fifty fifty split.

not bad.

yet I am nothing,
just another whisper that will never be heard,
regardless of how loud I scream.

Regardless of the troubles I had.

Regardless of the words i blindly accepted.

My path,
wherever I am going,

has a long way to go.

I feel so destined,
to be this,

And it is the person that I believe that I am now.

It sounds crazy,

it sounds surreal.

Yet I believe because I feel this way.

So how can you claim to know me.

if you cannot see that in me?

For the birds I suppose I shall leave that.

How I have run away,
trying to find every excuse,


are hilarious.

I take a sip for me

I take a sip for you

I take a sip for ma NIGGAS!

I take a sip for the ones who only show love

I take a sip for her.


We Indulge in our weakness,

Well we have let them for too long,

Why have we found pleasure in our misery?

How have they taught us to do so?

I cannot help but,
yearn and long,
for her.

Yet a little boy has to wake up.
And not follow any word that seems so pleasant.
Truth does not lie within the words,
but within the mind
of the liar.

Now now,



How I have

as a priority.

My last words

if they were

to be taken

I guess

Fuck it,


you're a champion in whatever it is that you choose to do.
I know that you're a champion,
so just trust me.

My ego ego egoo

So conflicted.

I wonder how much I'll misunderstand myself when I read this.

I'm still amazed of how well I can type right now.


I have to skip that song,

at least tonight.


3 months and she'll be over it all.

2 years minimum and ill be ok.


It's all good though.

What's life going to mean,
if these things do not happen to us.

Die free and alone?


Enslaved and together?

I type this as I think it,

What an interesting proposition I have proposed for myself.

How do I even end this?

Here is a joke to end the night.

once upon a time,
I fell in love


tonight is an embarrassing night

I choose exposure.

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