Sunday, August 11, 2013

Listen to my mind whisper.

I spoke the other day,
knowing I was being spiteful.
Choosing to ignore it,
is what I'm used to doing.

My thoughts keep me up at night.
They always have,
I just used to think it was normal.
The definition of normal seems so abstract
I know this,
when my sister couldn't sleep
she would come to me knowing I was up,
I lied,
i would walk by her room to see if her lights were on,
and I would walk by,
and if the lights were on,
I would slowly tip toe over,
slight knock,
she would open the door,
knowing its me,
Oh how annoying she made me feel,
Ultimately I wanted to interact with her,
i mean,
I had a good time hanging out with her,
the times she would let me.

She had strict rules,
when I was allowed in her room.

The nights where she would let me in,
Momentarily assuming that she needed company,

I couldn't resist,
i would push my luck

I walk in, as if I am not going to act up,
or annoy her,
not move things around,
make things messy,
throw some books on the floor,

I would just pretend to be "normal"
it was her room,
her rules,

The door was closed and I hold it in as long as I can

Sooo ummm what are you doing?

If you're going to be annoying, leave.

Oh No I would never! Why would you think that?

No answer

Huh? tell me, why would you think that?

No anwer


No answer

Hey, Psssss, Hey Can you Hear...


Whoa whao! Calm down I was just asking a question.

NO You're being annoying!

Asking A question is annoying?


Now I am confused, I just wanted to know why you think I would want to annoy you?


Obviously this is where i would break character a little and laugh

That is when she would be the most pissed
She loved those interactions
I don't care what anyone says

Now I look back

She needed those interactions.

My sweet sister,
She stands up for what she believes to be right.
She will stand up to anyone,
now, I would like to hope so.

It really is tough,
being away from the youngin's for this long.

Soon I shall be a distant memory they hold on to
This idea of a person.

Who knows how the minds around will paint me as to them,
There will be a lot of whispers their ears hear when attached to my name

I imagine,

I just hope it doesn't come off as wishful thinking.

But these different types of whispers will paint a hell of a picture,
which end result
I believe
Will only make them
be very curious

Yes Now I really do feel as if I am coming off as a naive wishful thinker

I believe that maybe perhaps I am being hopeful,

Where I do let my faith rest

In the chance

that good will defy
the odds
that humans have calculated
for ourselves?

Seems silly
when said like that
To me at least

is being defined,
every day
it seems like.

Rational vs Irrational

Who is the true winner

there is urge to be reasonable,
We think
check logic,
step by step
is remarkable
is just so wrong?
so tempting?
more suitable
What draws me closer and closer
The other side of the world

When you let me look straight into your eyes
I see you

Then you walk away,
only letting me to believe
that you leaving
was only
you felt
as if
were too good
to be true

How me feeding off my ego
makes my vision
seem so absurd

Yet I do not really mean it like that
I look,
your body talks for you,

I really do not care what you say,
But even when I choose to listen

You have given
me words
that have poisoned my mind
were I consciously go blind

Following your voice,
yet it was not to me
I imagine
that you were speaking too,
Just to anyone listening,
you not realizing it either,
Hanging on

To who?
or to what?

Which questions
if answered
gets me more,


We let go

We let ourselves fall

Hit the ground

We stay on the ground

We find others,

so miserable
the way we all
collectively claim
to be so alone

Drown in our misery

Had me feelin
You and me

Foolish little boy
I guess my father never warned me

How much ice can flow
in one girls veins

I guess my mother made me believe that no one will hurt me
as long as she hides me

As long as she hid me

Why did she hide me?
Where no one could find me?

Its okay,
now I am beginning to understand,

I am not that which you love,

For you loved this offspring,
that you can cling
on to forever

Because this is me,
and this me makes you cry,
shed tears,
have sleepless nights

Wallow in your pain
Dragging everyone down into your sad sad world.

Everyone Come watch,
Look how sad I am.

EVERYONE feel what I am going through.

Poor mother,

I love you so dearly,
I know it is not pity you want from me.

Because Human has no desire for peoples pity

And those that do,

I pity them.

I choose to not hide anymore.

Expose myself.

Talk about it As if it were such an epic transformational moment,

Where I wake up to realize I have grown wings
And I can fly away and be all that I can be

Foolish little boy I choose to be.

Sometimes cartoons are better,
when real life consists of too much gray.

There is one I hope you can remember.

acknowledge what I find to have a slight hint of brilliance.

I see it in myself rarely,

and I only say rarely to seem humble.

Such a constant battle my mind has.

I miss my brothers,
I miss my sisters,
My Mother,
who was engaged at 15
married at 16
3 kids by 20
me being the third.

You gave life,
and never enjoyed it for yourself
Because the life you gave,
you believe is yours to enjoy forever.

Hard lesson is,
true love,
is amongst individuals

I babble as if I know,
but really I know nothing I speak,
rather think it
and through self entitlement
believe what I think to be True,
in end result
I am right.

How do we know if I am right
or I am just fooling myself.

Yet they say through proper logic and reason

I have seen
perceive themselves
as a person
that prides themselves
on their
Rational thinking abilities

i never react
thought first

Not realizing anger is an emotion

or perhaps being stubborn
and forcing oneself to forget

How males at nature can be such a funny spectacle.

I'm a MAN
we are not emotional,
we are just stubborn and choose to act out of anger

I suppose that seems emotional.

Whatever you say,
I am 100 percent sure that I am correct.

Anyone that argues my point is making an invalid statement.
I really believe this.

Only until I face an answer that seems more reasonable.


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